Aaron and Jerry, my extended brothers/family in Orlando

Home is most definately a state of mind. I know i know some folks say to me "how can yu sleep at a different place each night?...what about your favorite pillow? etc"
The real truth is that i have been travelling so long that it just doesnt matter. And really i'm not moving each and every day. I have what i call "pockets" of time and particular places that i set up shop, chill, relax, think. South Florida is obviously one; since family, friends and loved ones are there, i can chill out quite a while and not wear out my welcome. Chattanooga at the Bridges home is another. Boston, New Hampshire, Marthas Vineyard, DC even Los Angeles....all places where friends harbor me while i'm at a crossroads to think and act on another step to future plans.
Couchsurfing.com helps out to. In a pinch if i'm staring at a week off and there is little time to get back on trail or my next job is still a week away....i'll zap out some e-mails to hosts that open their home to travellers or nomads like myself and i swoop in, make new friends, cook, take in a new city.
Its been so long taht i cant really remember exactly when i met Aaron and Jerry who run in my opinion the most beautiful, relaxing and friendly (not too mention popular) Hostel in the world (that last opinion is shared by many internationals who have told me the same even in far off places). Located in Kissimmee, FL, just a few miles near Disney World and other Orlando attractions...the "Orlando Hostel" (as its most commonly referred to as)...is one of the MUST STOP AT spots when European backpackers come to "tour the states".
Jerry and Aaron might reside in Orange County, but their reputation and love is spread throughout the world as traveller upon traveller goes home to the far corners of the world and remember to write thank you post cards that get posted on the lobby wall. How many times do yu remember itching to write back to the manager at the local Motel 6? This is no ordinary place....it trully has a quality reminiscent of Leo Decaprio's tight knit clan in his paradise pad called "The Beach"....of course in the telling of this story there is no guns, marijuana farmers and shark bites! But the photo zapped to him at a anonymous internet cafe at the end of the film (that subsquently fills him with longing and nostalgia) is not too far removed from my feelings for the place.
Now typically when yu speak of lodging for tourists or travellers....the last thing yu think about is nature or natural surroundings. But in this case i will begin my description far from its comfy private rooms and clean bunk styled hostel accomodations and work my way back from a few dozen feet from Jerry and Aaron's helm at the front desk where at times they seem staple gunned to the place as piles and piles of hungry, tired, curious, antsy and happy journey-folk migrate to as they get ready to "attack the (theme) parks" or rest up from a busy day doing so.
To begin with, the old motel - turned hostel - is situated on the banks of a large Orlando lake called Lake Cecile, with an old dock that leads out 40 feet into the water...providing two levels of remoteness and detachment from the real-time carnival taht is Orlando's increasing mecca of tourist-trap-like atmosphere. On this very dock one can read, think, or dream away as canoes, fishing enthusiasts, moss covered Cypress trees, paddle boats and water skiers whisk by under battleship clouds that are best seen above such a large blue expanse.
Just steps away from the dock lies an old styled motel pool graciously and generously situated at the end of the 5 acre site half of it greened by a wide expanse of green lawn that anywhere else would have been gobbled up by more development, expansion etc....I say old-styled simply because it resembles more a private home pool than that of a resort hotel pool. During the day you can find folks (mainly pasty white European students) lounging around without a care in the world....taking in one of Orlando's forgotten and taken-for-granted gifts; its sunny, warm, and glorious weather.
On those ocassions where i find myself with a block of a few days either exiting or entering Florida on my way down to Miami....i will drop by and stay just to lounge by that pool, that is as i said next to that expansive lake. Mind you, my parents have a pool....so its not the pool itself...its the setting...oh and one more thing.....i have to admit....the foreign setting of listening to languages around the pool i CANNOT decipher....which for me is part of the kick.
Working slowly my way again towards Aaron and Jerry's roost at the front desk....our next stop is the fountain located amist quiet benches and shrubery that although not to the level of The Pallace of Versailles...is for this setting a break....or last stand buffer zone before you leave that quiet and pristine paradise before another waft of happiness hits the lucky traveller as next you will probably find a bevy of guests cooking at one of three bar-B-Ques and park-like pick-nic tables adjacent to a lively game of Volley Ball which always seems to be the thing to do while the steaks/burgers/hotdogs are a cookin!
Though not on tap, beer flows freely thanks to the hostel's close proximity to a neighborhood supermarket called "publix" right across the street. Of course you need to be 21 to purchase and drink alchohol in the states. In any case, in all the visits i've been there i have noticed NONE of the shenanigans that generally follow American tourists...as the Europeans take to alchohol earlier in their lives and "drinks" constitute more of a light social enjoyment than than that of a tabooed reach in asserting age, independence or rebellion.
Next up on our tour is the screened in sun porch! I'm telling you, this place is amazing....i havent even gotten to the main hostel yet.....which is the point here at Orlando. Other hostels act more as a place to set up camp, hold your gear, while yu see a city. At Aaron and Jerry's, the hostel in a sense IS the ACTUAL spot you come away talking about. I have been at other hostels, where i have heard the common refrain; "You going to Orlando...the hostel there is the best!" Instead of "dont miss Disney World!" On the sun porch, larger groups use this area to set up meetings, mini conferences or if there is a lone Maestro in the bunch....chill by the piano and enjoy some tunes as the palm trees, Australian/and Caribbean Pines and cypress trees surrounding the property lull back and forth in the gentle breeze coming off the lake.
Ok, now....finally indoors....you can find yourself in the main "common" room or as i call it "the Map Room" since on one rather large wall there exists a mural of the worlds continents and countries where some travellers have written small messages near where they originate from on the planet! I have my name down near Miami (since Miami was pretty full). So even furthering my sense of place or home is the fact that the very walls here bear my name!
Inside this room you'll find two couches, coffee table, the daily newspaper, chairs and tables for eating, chatting, playing cards, opening oversize bus maps as the hostel is right on the line for a direct dollar fifty bus ride to Disney World!
Next to this room is the kitchen. The massive kitchen, complete with two ranges, ovens, small and almost walk in refrigerator. Actually the one near the sink is one of them convenience store varieties where thanks to the glass doors yu can see everything inside. Named and unamed (remember to put yur name on yur food or it will get pilferred) bags of goodies from cheeze to steaks can be found in here ready to fill a backpackers belly up by the end of a long day at the parks. This place gets hopppin round 6pm. I have been known as others have as well after pitching in a few bucks....to cook my great Cuban Meal for at least 12 hungry new friends. And i might add, new friends from all over the world!
On one ocassion, during the height of Hurricane season a few years back (Hurricane Jeanne to be precise) i was cookinvg late into the night as all the guests huddled inside the common room as the storm passed over and i recall counting guests from no less than 14 places on the Globe. On that very night in my presence were folks from Uganda, South Africa, Italy, Spain, S. Korea, Germany, England, Ireland, Denmark and the list went on.....basically a mini United Nations all at yur fingertips. talk about a shrinking planet. the internet is one thing but to have everybody in front of yu - flesh and blood - welll.... there is just no substitute for that!
And finally we reach the final room. That which brings me both Joy and a bit of sadness....is that of the front desk. The very place where Aaron and Jerry find themselves day in day out. I say sadness because although it is not backbreaking work (though they might disagree) they have to "man the fort" so to speak just about every hour of the day. And if yu know how needy travellers can be, well then yu know that at times i'm sure the allure of the job can wear thin. Though i also see great happiness and a bit of gloating for having and helming such a cool job....at their very fingertips (or desk) the world comes to them.
They might have come to see the mouse, but first they see the brothers at palm lakefront for guidance, a room, bunk, directions, deals and a friendly smile.
I have waited patiently on many ocassions overhearing Aaron welcome folks, ask questions, share anecdotes about others of their nationality that might have stayed there a few days, weeks or in the rare ocassion of an odd country....months before. No longer does the weary traveller stress from shuttles or confusing buses from airports, delayed Amtrak or Greyhound journeys or the damned HEAT!
But they soon have their things in a room, their eyes on the lake, feet in the pool and the tough decision of going to the parks now or perhaps leaving that for .....another day!
I can't wait to get there. Stay tuned for my personal review! I'm sure it'll go hand in hand with yours.
from a soon-to-be-guest at Palm Lakefront
2:52 PM
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