A friend passes on; Frank Pasquarella, founder of Frankies Pizza of Miami

A long journey ended yesterday as the King of south Florida pizzarias passed away at the age of 80. Frank Pasquarella might have left this world due to a weak heart but the love he eminated, slice by slice from his Bird Road institution (frankies Pizza) will continue to fill hearts and bellies for years to come.
Established on Valentines Day in 1955 inside the original Norman Bros. Produce Store on 90th Avenue and Bird Rd, Frankies Pizza quickly began serving the bustling post war communities of western Dade County. Millions grew up on the square slices of heaven that Frank and Doreen pasquarella began baking after discovering a booming market after their Honeymoon.
The two Stuebenville, ohio sweethearts took Frank's Italian mother's recipe (still a closely guarded secret to this day) and made it a national phenomenon, winning accolades from as high as Bon Apetit Magazine, who named frankie's Pizza one of the nations top 10 Gourmet pizzas.
But Frank and Doreen never forgot their local roots and over the years many a little league team wore the Frankies Logo and scores of Southwest High students entered the workforce with a job at the 20 by 30 foot simple stucco building that is now surrounded by a metropolis.
I was honored to be invited into their family when in 1994 i was able to shadow Frankie with a boxy VHS camera for the entire year before the 40th anniversary. what i discovered was a salty fellow from another era who brought smiles to many with his quick wit and a personal touch seldom seen in our modern age. It was not unusual for Frank to stop cold turkey baking pies, folding boxes or ringing up orders to debate UM Football, share a sip of Cuban coffee or extinguish a crying infant's wail with a tiny slice of pizza.
Ten years ago, Frank was unstoppable. But a decades long battle with two debilitating strokes made the 50th anniversary a nail-biter. It was anyones guess if he would make it. He did. Wheelchair and trusty nurse in tow, Frank greeted hundreds last summer as the Golden anniversary of his shop brought die hard fans from as far away as Montana to celebrate. Though unable to talk or move, well wishers could see his beautiful white eyebrows lift in recognition of old friends.
I remember a few young children being introduced to Frank by their mommies that day. Puzzled and of course oblivious to who this man was, one small child prepared to wail but just before scrunched face turned to full out kiniption, Franks gentle gaze pacified the little one and a smile overtook both parties. Come to think of it the same thing occurs when you bite into a slice of Frankies.
here is a piece that came out today in the Miami Herald
also see www.frankiespizzaonline.com this is a website that i helped develop and was designed by good friend Jason Friedman.
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