In the land of boxes. Garage-a-sailing in the ATL; step one - empty the boxes.

It was aliitle like the scene in Being John Malcovich when they find the 14th and a half floor, or whatever floor it was. Well i felt that way when i thought; "i'd better quit for the day!" I was in this little nook in the basement of Marji's grand home. Inside this storage area were litterally hundreds of boxes. all sizes. little ones from shoe boxes to old excercize equipment boxes. Sure some were full with clothes, assorted nic-nacks, etc... But the rest were empty?
It was not her fault. It is far from her fault. I used to think folks were weak, and they just couldn't possibly resist buying stuff. but the reality, as i've come to know is that the system is strong. too strong. And so we buy, without knowing why we buy. Without knowing that sometimes we buy the very same things we have squirreled away.
Anyhow more on my realizations on that subject later (trust me u'll hear about this in later blogs - its what i've been obsessed about for like the last 4 years). But the interesting thing was that, here was a room of boxes that were in a sorta like box room, tall enough for me to barely stand - and i'm pretty short - and this room exited into the garage, which in itself is another box, and that box of course is part of the house, that, from afar looks like a great big box, with little box-like windows, guessed it, inside that are many rooms, which are boxes with doors.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not against houses. And this is a really nice house. but do we need that many boxes..within boxes. I think its gotten a wee bit out of hand. Even Marji thinks so. "I'm such a different person, this house, used to be me, but i've changed, and really it doesnt match who i am any more."
So she is moving. Which is where i come in. Before i assist her in moving, i'm helping her downsize and sell off some stuff. That is what the garage sale is for. And step one is to empty the boxes within the boxes. That means, closets (nasty boxes), drawers (we'll they are pretty nasty but luckily they are smaller than closets), and storage areas (like attics and basements). We'll continue the lesson in the next blog.
Cesar I am going to be very put off with you if you have been in town this whole time!!!!! I will box your ears!
7:25 PM
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